If your pedestrian death rate matches, which it most certainly does in Nashville, you take note that taking a walk could literally mean your life.
Nashville, this is unacceptable and likely illegal.
Sidewalks are covered by disabilities act, says prior White House attorney
June 3, 2003 -- "Laying and maintaining a network of walkways, or sidewalks, for pedestrians to move about is one of the first and most elementary functions of a municipality," wrote U.S. Solicitor General Theodore B Olson, the White House attorney, urging the Supreme Court last week to deny Sacramento's request that the high court hear a case on whether "sidewalks" must be made accessible under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
"Providing and upkeeping a network of walkways for pedestrians to
get around town is a quintessential, not to mention ages old, government
In March, the high court had sought the administration's views on
the issue. Sacramento, joined by over 200 other cities, asked the Court late
last year to hear its appeal in a case it had lost at the Ninth Circuit, in
which disabled individuals had sued the city for failing to install curb ramps
or to maintain them, saying it refused to remove obstacles --benches, sings,
wires protruding from walkways -- that made sidewalks impassable or dangerous,
and that it had refused to even develop the "transition plan" required the law.
The case, which has been in litigation for years, is now close to settlement. The Court has not yet announced
whether it will take the case.
In the brief, the Solicitor General argued that the Ninth Circuit
opinion was "correctly decided," and that it did not conflict with any prior
Supreme Court decisions or opinions in other circuits -- thus, there was no
reason for the high court to hear the case.
Activists who have been watching the case, called Barden v. Sacramento, expressed hope that, based on the
Justice Department's brief, the Court would now refuse the case, keeping the ADA
Title 2 out of the high court for now. A number of advocates praised the
administration for its views on the matter -- that "sidewalks are for everyone."
In the lawsuit and in the appeal to the Supreme Court, Sacramento
and other cities argue that sidewalks are not a "service" of governments as
defined by the ADA.
Not true, said the Justice Dept.; ADA regulations clearly provide
"that newly constructed or altered sidewalks and intersections must include curb
ramps" -- citing 28 C.F.R. 35.151(e). And while this may indeed incur costs for
cities, it said, "in enacting the ADA, Congress made a determination that the
societal benefits of promoting community access to those with disabilities
outweigh the societal costs of complying with the ADA."
Earlier, Lex Frieden, head of the National Council on Disability,
a government agency, had urged Olson to advise the Court that the ADA covered
sidewalks. Frieden added, "Substantial federal funding is available for making
sidewalks accessible to people with disabilities," citing The Transportation
Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), which authorized the use of Surface
Transportation Program funds for the installation of "pedestrian walkways," and
the modification of public sidewalks to comply with the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
"In addition," said Frieden, "public responsibility for making
sidewalks designed and built with public funds accessible to people with
disabilities did not begin with the ADA or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Technical guidance on making sidewalks accessible has been available since
Read "Disabled gain key ally in ADA suit" by Michael Doyle from the May, 30 Sacramento Bee
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