Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Variance Requests on Estes - Please take 3 minutes to tell the BZA to NOT GRANT this request

A lot of variance requests have sprung up to ask the Board of Zoning to allow exemption from Sidewalk Bill #493.

If you see these signs, please send them to me.  Unfortunately, it often takes citizen emails to the Board of Zoning Appeals asking that they NOT grant the variance. Your voice is truly needed. These requests come up fast and there is not a lot of time for walking/sidewalk advocates to have a voice so please take a moment and email now (info below)!!!

 This variance request is on Estes in between Abbott Martin and Woodmont on the east side of the street.  What you cannot see from this picture is that I am actually standing on the sidewalk that is on the adjacent side street. If there is an adjacent sidewalk, a variance is not to be allowed per the law.  This is how we will eventually develop a complete sidewalk network. 

As you can see, there is no place for a pedestrian to have safe and comfortable passage on this stretch of Estes.  If I add in legal passage, you can quickly know this is not ADA compliant in any stretch of the definition.  

Adding their piece of sidewalk to Estes would be a great gift to the  neighborhood and is the land owners responsibility under current law.

Please take 3 minutes out of your day and write to:

Board of Zoning Appeals (Codes) :  bza@nashville.gov


THANK YOU in advance!!

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