Monday, January 21, 2019

New Sidewalk Footprint Tying in With the Old (nicely!) on Hobbs!

I'm terribly excited by these new sidewalks that are establishing a new (better!) sidewalk foot print at 2202 Hobbs. 

Hobbs houses Julia Green Elementary and Harpeth Hall and is within walking distance to the Green Hills business district. 

The existing sidewalk, on only one side of this fast paced road - the south side being devoid of sidewalk - is laid directly against the road on Hobbs.  It does not have a safe feel and yet is fairly well utilized likely due to its proximity to so many destinations. 

These new sidewalk tie in nicely to what exists and they are the first step to creating a much better pedestrian experience.

Fingers crossed this buffer zone will house shade trees!  Imagine it.  Note, no overhead utility wires so the trees could be tall and produce a lot of cool shadow.


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