Thursday, June 14, 2018

PLEASE - Do NOT Let Your Nashville Builder Talk YOU Out of Putting In YOUR Piece of the Sidewalk - reasons why


What you might not understand is that putting in the index piece makes the remainder of your block face exempt from the In-Lieu fee.  Therefore, your neighbors will have to put in theirs too.  The city prioritizes filling these 'gaps' in connectivity and - et voila - you have your sidewalk.

The surest way to get your street sidewalked is to

Please, do not let yourself be talked out of putting in your required piece.  My understanding is that builders are talking home owners out of the sidewalk by saying that 'your neighbors will think it is weird' & 'people do not like sidewalks to nowhere'. 

I am here to say, there are JUST AS MANY neighbors who will be THANKFUL to YOU for your efforts!


If you are a builder or know one - we would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss (and we will bring coffee and pastries, win-win!).


For more information about sidewalk requirements: 

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