Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pop-Up Cross Walks (Could also be Used for Walking Paths and Bike Lanes)!

As not every city is pedestrian friendly, there are solutions that could be effected quickly and inexpensively all be it temporarily. 

If the barrier to infrastructure that would improve walkability is cost - in addition to donating to a sidewalk fund such as The Sidewalk Foundation - this piece offers a creative solution.   

Do it yourself!

The neat thing about this idea is that it could help visualize the project.  In Nashville, for example, we could run an 'instant / pop-up' walking path along Bowling Av, equipped with crosswalks, to show neighbors how great it would be to have a sidewalk on this street.

The application of spray chalk are numerous.  You could set up a temporary cross walk to your local school.  You could identify a great place for a green way style path and invite neighbors to check it out.    You could show where trees would be a highly prized asset to your walking path.  You could put in a bike lane - literally the day you wished for one!

These temporary spray chalk infrastructures - such as cross walks and bike/pedestrian paths could significantly enliven your city street…drawing interest and alerting drivers to the presence of walkers & bikers.

Professionals use duct tape, craft paper and a string that they lay on the ground, held taught (one man steps on one side of the string, the other on the other end) to create straight lines.

Buy or make your own spray chalk….

Instructions on making spray chalk:  

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