Monday, December 7, 2015

Walking Should Be...

Walking should be fun.

Art helps...

Businesses help...window shopping and people watching should not be taken for granted as they heighten the fun.

Serendipity is important.  An unexpected find is like a lightening bolt of fun.


Walking should not be dangerous.

Does this look like a viable way to get to the local playground?

Consider speed limit reduction in residential areas where there is a lot of walkers and no hope of sidewalks any time soon.

Imagine walking order for me to walk to work, I would have to cross this.  Look safe?  Look fun?

Nashville, we have a lot of work to do.  We are sorely lagging behind our sister cities when it comes to walkability.

Please talk to your friends, your neighbors, your councilperson about the need for high quality sidewalks.

Let's all pitch in to move Nashville from a city where the sidewalk ends to the best walking city in the South!

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