Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sidewalk Project #1: Bowling Av, Nashville, from Brighton to Woodmont Av, an update

Yesterday, Trish Mixon and I met with Councilman Jason Holleman who graciously helped us work through the beginning steps of getting the remaining 1/3 of Bowling Av in Nashville sidewalked. 

As you know, Bowling Av is a major cut-through street running North-South from Murphy Rd to Woodmont Av in Nashville, TN.  From Murphy Rd, running south, to Brighton, about 2 blocks prior to Woodlawn, Bowling has a sidewalk on either one or both sides of the street.  This part of Bowling is frequented by pedestrians.  West End Middle school abuts Bowling.  The proposed AMP would run right by.  Pedestrians frequenting Bowling Av cannot be said for the remainder that does not have a proper sidewalk. 

Bowling Av is highly traversed by both drivers and walkers up until Brighton.   Since it is a cut-through, drivers tend to pass at an exaggerated rate of speed leaving walkers feeling vulnerable. Drivers are not expecting pedestrians and it is obvious. 
My family and I tried to walk on the un-sidewalked section not too long ago and literally had to quit.  And, I am not a quitter.

Next step?  According to Jason Holleman, local Councilman:
First step:  Discovery process of any and all right-of-way issues that may occur on the remainder of Bowling Av that does not have a sidewalk.
- I have called Rick Kirkpatrick, from Public Works, who I am told will have this information.  I will update this blog as soon as I know more.
Second step:  Discuss relinquishment of right-of-way with home owners.  This relinquishment can be done by filling out a form. 
- If you live on Bowling or happen to know someone who does - please encourage them to relinquish their right-of-way.
Third step:  Document any impediments to creation of a sidewalk on Bowling such as mailboxes, ditches, stone walls, telephone poles, drive ways, etc.
Once this is done, we are to meet with Jason Holleman again with this work in file form. 



  1. Spoke to Rick Kirkpatrick today - he is going to work on finding out what the limits are, review the visability study and strategic plan for Bowling from Brighton to Woodmont. After that, if all looks good, we plan to meet to go over what needs to be done.

  2. Good news for sidewalk fans in Nashville. According to AMP officials at last night's meeting, proposed is a total re-work of sidewalk along the project including a focus on improved landscaping! In addition, the roads that run perpendicular to the project have been evaluated for improvement in their walkability particularly if there is a station. During the meeting, Trish Mixon and I made sure to speak to the engineers involved to put a plug in for Bowling Av. We learned that plans are in place to put a sidewalk on the west side of Bowling (side with West End Middle School) - good news and very sensible. Still, works needs to be done to secure the completion of the sidewalk all the way to Woodmont Av as this has not been guaranteed in the plans. I gathered a few emails/names and will be pursuing them to help move this project forward to completion.
